Realtor Chosen

After a week of interviewing realtors, 5 of them to be exact, we finally decided on and signed the contract with our new realtor. Starting last Tuesday, 17-03-07, I had interviews lined up for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the following Monday. The first two interviews were ok since most of the info they presented was new, but then it became old. All the realtors presented pretty much the same info as all the others. The only real thing that stood out was the pricing.

Basically they all stated their steps as

  • Evaluation of apartment
  • take pictures
  • post listing on hemnet (An apartment/house listing web site)
  • Have showings of the apartment

So when we got to the third realtor presenting the same info, we could pretty much walk them through the process :)

We told each realtor that we would be making our decision today 17-03-15 and they all said ok and would call back to see what our decision was and if they could answer any questions we might have. The second realtor that we interviewed, her name is Silva, contacted us on Friday 17-03-10 and then again on Monday 17-03-13. Two other realtors called me back today as the other two have not tried to get in touch with me. Since Silva, contacted us twice, she seemed to be hungry for our business. This drive was one of the reasons why we chose her. Plus she instilled confidence in us that she could do a good job in selling apartment.

Silva has already set up an appointment for a stylist to come to our apartment to tell us what we need to change to make the pictures look good. So it will be interesting to see what they say. Everyone thinks they have good taste so we will see how bad ours is :)