Refilling Propane Tanks!

Refilling Propane Tanks!

# Filling propane tanks!

Propane is the what we use to do all of our cooking. A worry that I had was how we were going to fill the tanks while in different countries was a worry of mine. I have read online from blogs and forums was that many people had filled Swedish propane bottles in Portugal and Spain. Looking at when these blogs and posts in the forums were written, I was a little hesitant to think that filling the tanks would be a simple task.

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Taking on New Crew

Taking on New Crew

When we were in A Coruna Spain, a captain of another boat ask me which direction we were headed, North or South. I told him South and he said that was the wrong way with a slight chuckle. He stated that he had engine trouble and would be stuck in A Coruna for at least another week getting it fixed. He proceeded to tell me that he had a crew member that was running low on money and needed to get home. He was hopping that we could take her with us.

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Ready but Not Ready

Ready but Not Ready

Ready but not Ready

Within the last month, all projects and maintenance work has come together. We hauled out and spent 11 days on the hard. We did everything. We polished, painted, demasted the mast, installed a new water maker and a satellite telephone. We were originally planning to leave this weekend, the 29th of June but the sailing gods seemed to have other planes for us.

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